Tomasz drives the blue tour van loaded with the Marley lino flooring
Annie Grigio, administrator of Sons of Jack Lane Community Centre greets BDC's arrival
Annie Grigio has a chat with the technicians George and Tomasz
The technicians & David Giratoro watch a run through of "X Rated Check Up" prior to the technical rehearsal onstage
Annie Grigio talking with BDC technicians about the lighting rig
This will be the first performance of Stuart Saltellare’s work “X Rated Check Up”. It will be the last piece in the programme because the set takes time to put up. The dancers have rehearsed with the music which is an abbreviated recording of Christopher Beninvece’s music. The sound track is very unusual and utilises digital sounds that evoke a hospital or medical environment. There are quite a few lighting changes throughout the dance. Because there are props and furniture – there’s quite a lot that could go wrong. So Stuart and the dancers are more than a little nervous. The first run through onstage will be without lighting, but Tomasz attended rehearsal at Il Santo Pietro della Povera Church Hall where Bambole DC rehearse.
Tina teaches dance classes at Sons of Jack Lane Community Centre in Lowgate so they anticipate that there will be quite a few dancers in the audience. The Community Centre is particularly keen to promote Bambole DC because they are a local group.
Annie Grigio steps onstage to ask Tina & Tomasz a question
Tomasz makes Tina aware of the lighting for the nurse's desk area
Some last minute notes before the dress rehearsal
Stuart gives the dancers some notes before the show
Tomasz makes a video recording for Stuart
Stuart signals to George Lepinato in the control room - for the sound levels
Tomasz sorting out the lighting rig whilst the ballerinas are itching to rehearse in the space
Tomasz grabs a coffee whilst the dancers warm up onstage
A hush descends amongst the audience - Annie sits in the control room because the house is full.
Here are some images and text relating to the life of Bambole Dance Company backstage –
Setting up for performance
In the dressing room
In the green room after the performance
Tina asks Mary to do her hair for her
Belinda and Shannon have a dressing room to themselves. This is good because it will help them to focus calmly – they won’t be distracted by the other dancers. The main dressing room is only big enough for the contemporary dancers.
Constance comes in to help fit the tie belt around the oversized pink knitted dress costume. The girls were thrilled when Julien showed them the poster for Sons of Jack Lane Community Centre performance – with their photo of “The Bird Cage” prominently at the top.
Belinda & Shannon get ready to perform "The Birdcage"
Constance helps the girls with their costumes
A last look in the mirror before going onstage to perform "The Birdcage"
Tina laughs as Tony suggests someone might have hidden one of his gaiters for "Il Guanto" as a prank
Constance the wardrobe mistress saves the day. She's made another gaiter for Tony
Julien the company manager brings the dancers a bottle of water
Choreographer for "X Rated Check Up" Stuart Saltellare gushes "I take my hat off to you - that was wonderful"
Tony Chaumier puts on Stuart's hat
Lily Zander & David Petirosso-Figlio go backstage to congratulate the company
Constance packs up the company skip with the costumes
Mary whispers to Tony "Throw me the hat & I'll ask Constance to put it on!"
Constance says that she is too busy - she's got a lot to do still
Tina & Tony are very disappointed that Carolina is rushing away after the performance
Carolina confides in Mary after the performance
The Get Out
After the Performance
David Giratoro finishes packing up the dressing room after the show. The skip is already filled with the costumes.
George (sound technician) & Tomasz Don (lighting) collect the suitcase & dressing gowns to pack into the van
George & Tomasz collect suitcase & dressing gowns
George tells Julien that he thinks they have now cleared the dressing rooms
The Green Room
Tomasz asks George if he thinks they ought to take Tina & Tony's name stickers with them
Belinda gets Julien to play the piano
Belinda improvises
After their performance of the programme at Sons of Jack Lane Community Centre in Lowgate – the dancers meet with the crew and a few friends in the Green Room. They are excited that Lily Zander, who has been guest teaching their company class and open classes – is there. Along with David Petirosso-Figlio who is going to collaborate with Tony Chaumier on a dance film work perhaps next year. Lily and David are returning to New York. But they will be back soon – as long as the funding can be got. David will film the dancers and they hope to do a joint programme with Lily and BDC.
After the performance Bambole dancers and crew and friends gather in the Green Room
Julien pours Prosecco for the company
Everyone is excited after how well the performance went. They unwind with drinks in the Green Room at Sons of Jack Lane Community Centre.
Such a relief that there were very few if any mistakes in the programme – and the audience seems to have really enjoyed it.
Lily Zander has a chat with Constance
Julien & David high five as Lily & David have to leave to return to New York
Waving goodbye to Lily & David
Looking into the Green Room of Sons of Jack Lane Community Centre
After a successful performance at Sons of Jack Lane Community Centre the company celebrate in the green room. George & Tomasz have almost finished packing up the van. The company are sad to see Lily and David leaving but hope very much to be able to work together in a creative project.