BAMBOLE DANCE COMPANY works year round and the dancers after rehearsal periods and performance seasons often need a break. Occasionally they holiday all together but sometimes just a few of the dancers will take off for the coast and they invite their friends to join them. 

Here are some images of their holidays. They enjoy keeping cool by the pool. And listening to music, chatting – playing badminton when it’s not too hot. 

Tina and Carolina are joined by Mary Buonvinto. Until recently Mary was working at Fitz Dolz in the Bagagli, Borse e Scarpe Department (luggage, bags and shoes). Her dancing in class was noticed by everyone and she was often praised. Now she is a member of BDC. She liked her job at Fitz Dolz Vintage Department store. But it was never going to be a long term job.  She wants to perform.

Mary Buonvinto and Carolina Papa take a break away from dance to enjoy a change of scene
The caravan is only big enough for 2 people. But it would be possible for more if some slept in a tent close by
The girls chat before nodding off to sleep
Breakfast time

Holidays and Leisure

Tina and Carolina in the blue pool at a holiday village
Let's Get Cool by the Pool
Tina changes the music
"It's too hot for Badminton" says Carolina
Carolina wearing the banana Gelato sundress she bought from Fitz Dolz Vintage Dept Store

Holidays in Fabulous Places

When they can afford to, Bambole DC dancers and their friends like to venture a distance to some spectacular holiday locations. 

Mostly they holiday on the cheap in the Bambole DC caravan – but as you will see – they also like to escape to hotter climate abroad.   

Carolina tries to get Mary to go into the sea but the water is cold
On holiday in Dorset
Carolina swimming in a lido by the sea
A fabulous beach - but where are the rest of company with the beach bags?

Carolina started going out with Tip (Mister Tiprego) a while ago after a modelling session at Fitz Dolz. They fell for each other during the photo session for Nuziale  (Wedding / Bridal Department). Tip took photos of her wearing various wedding dresses. They chatted and realised that there was a spark there.  The photo session was after store hours and there was no-one else around.   Tip is the Manager of Fitz Dolz whilst Fi Onna is on extended leave of absence in Paris. Rumour has it that she won’t be returning to the job. And that she might be pregnant. It was in fact Carolina who drove Fi to the airport – in Tip’s Range Rover. He couldn’t spare the time as he was now Acting Manager. This was a few months ago.

Fi phoned Tip from Paris and let him know that she was going to be staying a while longer due to her romance with Louis Lefranca. He is the store manager at Masque Grand Magasin.  Louis picked her up from Charles de Gaulle Airport when she arrived. 

 Tip naturally took over in the interim as Acting Manager of the store.  Carolina tells Mary what little she knows as to what is now going on. No doubt Fi will let Tip know soon.  She was only supposed to be going for a few weeks, but it’s been months now.  

Tip and Carolina had a holiday abroad and it looks as though their relationship is serious. She doesn’t want it to get in the way of her work with Bambole DC. 

Mary tells Carolina all about her visit to Spannocchia in Italy where she was fascinated to see the archaeological artefacts. Carolina is surprised to learn that Mary studied archaeology at Cambridge. They talked a bit about the solo  “Sidescraper Secondo” that she will be rehearsing soon. The two girls are both excellent dancers and get on very well together.     

You can find ongoing stories – about the dolls’ lives and their adventures  on our sister website  – the story of  Mary’s visit to Italy will feature soon.

Carolina on holiday with Tip. She's waiting for him to come out to join her after his shower

Above image of Carolina Papa on the balcony with a fabulous view – image of her and furniture etc transposed onto a photo by Anthony Delanoix on